Minggu, 09 Oktober 2011

hiv aids

HIV is short for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. The virus that causes damage / weakening of the human immune system. [Back to top]
• How can the HIV virus can cause damage to the human immune system? Last updated: 0000-00-00 Virus HIV need our immune cells to proliferate. Naturally our immune cells will be utilized, can be likened to a copy machine. However, this virus will damage the engine fotocopynya after getting the copy of the new virus in considerable amounts. So eventually we depleted immune cells and the viral load became very much. [Back to top]
• Where is the HIV virus is located? Last updated: 0000-00-00 HIV is present mainly in human body fluids. Fluid potentially containing the HIV virus are blood, semen, vaginal fluids and breast milk. While the liquid that has no potential to transmit the HIV virus is a liquid sweat, saliva, tears, etc. [Back to top]
• Do CD4 is it? Last updated: 0000-00-00 CD 4 is a marker or markers located on the cell surface of human white blood cells, particularly lymphocytes. CD 4 in people with lowered immune system becomes very important, due to the reduced value of CD4 cells in the human body showed reduced white blood cells or lymphocytes that should play a role in fighting infections that enter the human body. In people with a good immune system, CD4 values ​​ranged between 1400-1500. Whereas in people with impaired immune systems (eg in people infected with HIV) the value of CD 4 will decrease the longer (even in some cases can be up to scratch) [Back to top]
• What is the actual function of CD4 cells? Last updated: 0000-00-00 Cells that have CD4 surface marker serves to fight various infections. Around us a lot of infections in circulation, whether it is in the air, food or beverages. But we do not get sick all the time, because CD4 can still function properly to fight infection. If the CD4 count decreases, the pathogenic microorganisms around us were going to easily enter our body and cause disease in human body [Back to top]
• What are the symptoms of people infected with HIV become AIDS? Last updated: 2010-03-03 Can be viewed from two phenomena are symptoms of Major (common) and Minor symptoms (not common):
Major Symptoms: - Weight loss of more than 10% in 1 month - Chronic diarrhea lasting more than 1 month - Prolonged fever for more than 1 month - Decreased consciousness and neurological disorders - Dementia / HIV encephalopathy
Minor symptoms: - A cough settled more than 1 month - Generalized dermatitis - The presence of herpes and herpes zoster recurrent zostermultisegmental - Kandidias oropharyngeal - Herpes simplex chronic progressive - Generalized lymphadenopathy - Recurrent yeast infections in female genital - Cytomegalovirus retinitis
Case Adults: If an adult (> 12 years) considered to have AIDS if they express a positive HIV test with an appropriate inspection strategy with at least two symptoms of a major and minor symptoms, and symptoms are not caused by other conditions unrelated to HIV infection. [Back to top]
• How does HIV become AIDS? Last updated: 2009-06-15 There are several stages when infected with the HIV virus started until symptoms of AIDS:
1. Stage 1: Period window - HIV enters the body, until the formation of antibodies to HIV in the blood - No special tanda2, people with HIV look healthy and feel healthy - HIV Test can not detect the presence of this virus - This stage is called the window period, generally ranged from 2 weeks - 6 months
2. Phase 2: HIV-Positive (without symptoms) on average for 5-10 years: - HIV to multiply in the body - No special signs, people with HIV look healthy and feel healthy - HIV Test can detect a person's HIV status, because it has formed antibodies against HIV -Generally stay looking good for 5-10 years, depending on his endurance (average 8 years (in developing countries are shorter)
3. Stage 3: HIV-Positive (onset of symptoms) - Getting the immune system down - Start up of symptoms of opportunistic infections, such as: swelling of lymph glands throughout the body, continuous diarrhea, flu, etc. - Generally lasts for more than a month, depending on his endurance
4. Stage 4: AIDS - The condition of the immune system is very weak - Various other diseases (opportunistic infections) is getting worse [Back to top]

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